True Love, A Shamanic Healing for the Soul
Reading this book is a simple and enlightening way to re-evaluate what you have been doing, and to change yourself to start to love yourself again.
- Samantha Britt Williams
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This book is replete with beautiful photographs of Power Animals, Meditations, how to build your own Medicine Wheel and everything necessary to begin your own Shamanic Journey. The author shares her True Story and 25 years worth of practical knowledge as a Shaman, showing the reader how to activate the magic buried deep within them.
There is a way, it is easy and fun. Do not be asleep, not now. You will miss all the fun! It is time to wake up and to get ready for the party. Who will you be going with? Got anything better to do, than to heal your soul, find True Love, and help heal this magnificent Planet Earth and All Her Relations? I bet you don't. Do you?
I was able to find my True Love through discovering that if everything we say, feel and do creates our lives, then why not use this knowledge to attract a True Love. It has worked for me at last, aged 41 with a series of failed relationships well and truly behind me. I knew I didn't have the time to mess it up again, I was determined to find my True Love and actually experience that deep and beautiful love I always knew was waiting for me. Don't you feel that you know you are supposed to be with your True Love but you haven't found them yet? This, I believe is what keeps us going back "out there", determined to listen to that inner voice, knowing that they are looking for us too. I know we are all looking for our True Love because we all have someone who is destined to Love us. Someone who will fit like a glove, who will Love every part of us. True Love really does exist and it's time to find them.
Create a Life worth living...
Create a Planet worth living on...
Create a Universe worth living in...
The book is in three sections, the first explains that what you are thinking and experiencing is actually what you end up creating, so use this knowledge to start creating a life which encompasses and includes being with your True Love. The second section shows you how to use ancient Shamanic ways to visualise and create the circumstances for finding True Love for yourself that automatically brings into your life your True Love. Please know, it does not take a lot of effort or time, just a few minutes every day to focus and create what you're really looking for - your True Love. The third section shows you how to heal the rest of your life, by revealing unspoken truths and learning good ways to live by. As you are the creator of your life, it's time now to ask for True Love, by reading "True Love, A Shamanic Healing for the Soul" you are sending a positive message to yourself to find what you have been seeking (your True Love), so you can be Happy and Loved and take this Love out into the world and make it a better place for yourself and hopefully all of humanity.
Book Review
This book is philosophical and immensely poetic presentation, very generally addressed, within a principally intuitive and shamanic framework, of the only questions that, ironically, can never be answered, or certainly cannot be given one answer to fit all - WHY? WHO? The painter Gauguin inscribed, in a corner of his last masterpiece, three questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Samantha gives us her own answers, spiritual, poetic and profound. She gives the reader, too, a guide to the road to self knowledge and the achievement of peace.
The author does not take up a polemical stance. She is a humanist. She examines in particular the universality of message, and she gives the reader a clear and personal signpost, while she avoids the chronological and intellectual history of ethical thought. That is not to say that she does not acknowledge such sources of wisdom as both Christian and “pagan” beliefs, and the unity of such "gods" as we have all constructed for ourselves; but for Samantha, we are all gods or goddesses, there is no difference, and godliness is in and all about us. She has a melodic and moving use of language.
One of the qualities of this book is that it may start the casual reader to think less casually. It is not difficult to read, although it makes no compromises; the language is poetic and sensitive. The author gives the reader a lot of jumping-off points, quiet places of thought and meditation; and of hope. Someone who picks up this book could easily find themselves next reading Darwin, the Upanishads, or Bertrand Russell, the Quran or Spinoza. This has to be valuable.
I have a bad habit of reading three books at once and while I was reading this one, I was also reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus (flawed but fascinating) and the letters of Carl Jung (too many of them), and they were not bad book-shelf fellows.
This book may appear simple, but it is certainly not simplistic. Samantha is a profoundly spiritual writer who communicates with the reader in the language of truth and perception. She engages fully both with her subject and with her audience.
This is an interesting, very moving, intellectually stimulating and above all thought provoking book, and one for which we are happy to offer a publication proposal. It has been a privilege to read. It presents a poetic distillation of thought and wisdom in a frame that is contemporary but also timeless. Many disciplines and meditative patterns of thought and contemplation can serve and heal the soul, among them, the shamanic approach must surely rank among the highest.