Shamanic Healing

The shaman sees illness as a lack of power because it was lost somewhere in your life. In order to heal you the shaman returns your power to you. She or he may perform a soul retrieval. A power animal is a protector, similar to a spirit guide, which represents an aspect of your soul. They protect you from harm and help you with your spiritual growth by lending you its power. The negative emotions you may feel, are seen by the shaman to be stuck or stored in various parts of the body. The shaman will re-empower you by removing the energy that does not belong within your body. Releasing and energizing you.

This is called a shamanic extraction, other healing modalities in addition to shamanism practice this in various forms. This energy is not bad, it is just misplaced. Because it does not belong in your body, it is seen as causing illness that then shows itself in a physical way through pain or sickness.

Because in the shamanic system part of the soul is free to leave the body, it is also believed that soul parts of each individual will leave the body in order to protect itself from trauma. This is considered a positive protection mechanism. For instance, if someone were to be in an serious accident, part of the soul would leave the body to protect itself from the trauma of the impact. The soul does not always know how to return and if it has not returned for whatever reason, this is referred to as soul loss. That is when the shaman would become involved, in order to assist with returning this missing piece of yourself.

Shamanism is an ancient way of awareness, an awareness of energy, of consciousness. It is a term used to describe the practices of indigenous people from all over the world who were and are the healers within their community i.e. the Medicine People, the Witch doctor and the Shamans. These people are in tune with Planet Earth and know how to touch the soul in everything in order to keep a healthy balance within each individual and therefore within the community. For these people there is no separation between daily life and Spirit, they know that all things are connected and disconnection equals disease. Although our modern times seem very far removed from the experience of indigenous people the needs and expression of the human soul is still the same in its desire for connection love, community and creativity.


The shaman works with the person's spirit or life-force energy. They heal dis-ease/dis-harmonary at the spirit/energy/consciousness level. For the shaman everything is alive and carries information, you can call this spirit, energy, or consciousness. In order to communicate with the spirit or consciousness of these things, the shaman will shift his or her own state of awareness. Shamans can do this through various means, such as Journeying, meditation, Energy reading or through the help of their Power Animals. The shaman will then "see" what is going on with you on a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels.

The shaman's practice is also characterized by the soul flight. The shift of consciousness that the shaman makes, which allows the free part of his or her soul to leave the body. The shaman can then go retrieve information for your healing and growth. They can retrieve healing power, or things that you have lost along the way in living your life. During the soul flight the shaman is both in the room and going on this "Journey" so that he or she has an awareness of both at the same time.

Shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the Spirit world. A practitioner of shamanism is known as a shaman. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world. Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living. Shamanism requires individualized knowledge and special abilities. Shamans operate outside established religions, and traditionally, they operate alone.

Quote For the Shaman, everything is alive and carries information or universal wisdom. Unquote

Samantha Britt Williams \"Sun
True Love, A Shamanic Healing for the Soul