Spiritual Clearings
Go have some fun instead!
Are you kind, loving and forgiving to self? This is what really matters, because you co-create this world, by what your thoughts, feelings and actions dictate. It's time you helped everyone else by taking some responsibility for what you are really creating. This is very important. Work on yourself. Heal yourself. Trust me. It is how you treat yourself. We are the creators; remember, it is up to all of us. Therefore, this is how you can balance your soul. It was my healing way. It starts with compassion for yourself and everybody who is here, on Planet Earth. Life is good for me. It can only get better, as I know all things are possible, Do you?
You are the creator of your life
This statement, "you are the creator of your life" means that your future is determined by what your thoughts, feelings and emotional state is projecting into the world at this present moment. Also, how you express these factors verbally to yourself and others also determines what you will create.
Also, have you any plans for your future or do you just let life happen, because sitting back and hoping for a good life only gives you hoping for a good life it doesn't actually manifest.
How you feel about yourself and your past (what you carry 'within') deeply affects your outer world (what you experience and create in your life). To create a life worth living we must be free of childhood and adulthood pain so your future is directed and created with a clear emotional body feeling positive about the future.
Compassion and forgiveness
It isn't just a question of compassion and forgiveness, although these are primary factors it's about realising and acknowledging what is inappropriate behaviour and allowing a change to take place when dealing with everything. It is also imperative that we have knowledge of what inappropriate responses are being aimed towards us and to even help those who are doing it by bypassing our ego reactions and gently steering the situation and them to release and change their responses and opinions.
Medicine Wheels
The Medicine Wheel is a place of sacred protection that helps keep you grounded and in your own energy field, visualizing yourself standing in your medicine wheel can help initiate a shamanic conciousness.
Power Animals
We called to Creator, Great mystery, Great spirit, Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, the Stars and the Planets. I called to the ones that fly, the ones that swim, the four legged the two legged, the trees and the plants, the herbs and the colours of all creation. I call to nature.
Star Tetrehedron - Flower of Life - Merkaba
The sacred geometry of this shape replicates the creative force of everything and can be used in visualizations to strengthen the physical body.
Oil Pulling
An ancient Ayurvedic method of cleaning the mouth and detoxing the body is with vegetable oil by holding it in the mouth and rinsing it around like a mouth wash, but not gargling. It is best to hold the oil in your mouth for between 15 and 20 minutes on an empty stomach and not to forget to hold the neck back at times to allow the thoat and sinuses to drain.
White Sage (Salvia Apiana)
Ask the Spirit of the White Sage to help.
You only need to use a very small amount, it is a misconception that you need to fill the room with smoke, you actually ask the Spirit of Sage not the smoke itself to purify and cleanse your Aura - you ask the spirit of the sage to help you personally purify yourself. It is good for cleansing negative energy and stressful thoughts and emotions. It can be used for clearing your house of arguments and stressful situations, It helps clear fear.
Sea Salt
To purify yourself you can mix a table spoon each of Sea Salt and a good quality organic nut oil to make a Sea Salt body scrub. It is good for infections and deep cleansing.
Place three table spoons under running hot water to make a deep clearing bath, submerge your entire body for 20 minutes and enjoy the benefits of completely purifying your skin and Aura from all negative and stressful thoughts.

Do not use standard table salt, this can be very dehydrating and toxic to the body. Use Rock Salt as ground table salt usually contains anti-caking agents that inhibit the absorption of the salt into your body tissues. High quality Sea Salt is essential as it also contains trace elements and important minerals that are absorbed by your skin and used by your body, Salt is an essential component to a healthy body and Sea Salt is not just the chemical Sodium Chloride.
It helps to disconnect you from anybody else's energy field, this is especially helpful if you live with people who stress you out. It allows you to find peace of mind because after the bath your body and energy will be purified and you will feel yourself again.
Your salt balance is very important for hydrating the body.
Black Tourmaline
Tourmaline is a black crystal that has the ability to collect negative energy (thoughts and feelings) from around you, in your environment and even from yourself, these are held in the crystal and not in your energy field or aura. It is a very powerful protector - for example, if your work place is full of stressful people you will naturally “pick up” and absorb this stress, particularly if you have to sit with stressful and angry people. By simply wearing tourmaline around your neck or carrying it on your person you are automatically protected.
As long as you wash it in cold water once a day, it will serve you well and you will start to feel much better and more positive. It is also known to improve your energy levels and even protect you from nightmares, black magic and such things.
Try these techniques for a week and you will notice the difference in the way you feel.
Keep your house very clean of dust and grime and burn White Sage regularly.
Throw away all your old possessions/clothes/books/etc. that you no longer like or use, or that are gifts from “negative” people that can leave a link open into your energy field. Build a fire, as burning is the best way to clear your connection to people who have upset you in the past.
Have Sea Salt baths and wash yourself often, even rubbing lemons over your entire body before entering the bath. Also, add organic cider vinegar - one cup full to clear E.L.F./cell tower frequencies.
Past Lives
Whether you believe in Past Lives or not, it is wise to affirm and clear the following statements to release any vows or soul contracts you may have made.
Be determined to release your past, as it allows you to clear space for your future.
Be Here Now
It's all we really have. Stay aware of how you are feeling and thinking, especially when you believe that others are depressed or moody or being negative, it is an opportunity to release your stuff, not feel upset that you are surrounded by negative people.
Karmic Cleansing
Life is molded by your individual karmaic record, however at this time we can shift all karmaic obligations in an instant. It is the only time in history that we have been offered this grace. The trick is to lift your spirits above the mass consiousness of the people and be happy and joyfull, this allows love in and that melts karma - all you have to do is love yourself enough. You need to do this- We clear karma vibrationally and by stating thank you for my karmic cleansing. If you do this i.e. say outloud Thank you for my karmic cleansing 10 times a day, spirit tells me they can help you get this show on the road i.e. your life.
Many blessings to you and your dreams. "Up your game" should be your guiding light at this powerful time. Evil is Live backwards, luckily the tide has turned as more people wake up and correct their behaviour and turn their lives around, quite literally (ha ha), and learn to live again, right now, be happy and trust that life can be magnificent - because it is.