
Traditional Seichem Masters claim that their knowledge is derived from the same ancient Sanskrit texts where Dr. Usui found the Reiki information.

My Reiki Lineage

  • 1. Dr. Mikao Usui
  • 2. Dr. Chujiro Hayasi
  • 3. Hawayo Takata
  • 4. Rev. Beth Gray
  • 5. Barbara McGregor
  • 6. Rev. Samantha Britt Williams nee Beaumont
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen

In 2005 I had a powerful shamanic experience and discovered that I needed to stop the energy healing work I was doing for others and work on myself. The Reiki and Seichem I was using at the time was not appropriate, I needed to break through and discover more about myself using solely my own unique shamanic techniques and medicine wheel meditations - to create a life worth living for myself and not just my clients - to actually become my own therapist - I stopped using Reiki and Seichem and realized that I was helping everybody but myself, I feel that many fall into this trap of helping others and not helping themselves, not creating a life that they are enjoying - many do this to make themselves feel good by helping others, but their lives are not in a good state.

I am trained in many different Reiki disciplines with over 20 years of extensive experience teaching and treating thousands of people.

- Samantha Britt Williams

Cho Ku Rei

I am an experienced healer and attuner and have used Reiki and Seichem on many many people, it has always worked exceptionally well, even for my cancer patients. Reiki is so simple - Even a child can do it!


The Seichem attunements that I offer are very powerful, life changing spiritual advancements. An attunement empowers the person to channel more spiritual energy, it is a renewal technique, keeping the body topped-up without conscious thought, once you have been attuned.

Quote Reiki is Japanese language for the natural life force energy that everybody has (Ki is "Energy" and Rei is "Life Force") Unquote

Samantha Britt Williams \"Sun
True Love, A Shamanic Healing for the Soul