Clearing your Past Lives
Release Limiting Vows & Soul Contracts
We are deeply spiritual beings whom I believe have lived before, but the truth is always mysterious, who really knows if we have lived past lives or not, but if we have (and in my experience we have!) we may need to help ourselves in this life by releasing vows and contracts we have made with others that may have an adverse impact on this current life.
All medieval monks are required to take a vow of poverty. Imagine still being controlled by vows you spoke or signed, made under very stressful circumstances, due to food shortages 700 years ago. It meant you had to become a monk, or starve to death. So, just in case you spoke any vows, say this aloud, and mean it.
I now cancel all Vows from any past life that are still affecting this life.
A soul contract is usually made between two or more souls that agree to often preposterous demands of one another. Imagine two teenagers in love, who are blocked from marriage by their respective families. They declare that they will never be in love again. For many future incarnations, until they learn to love themselves again, they have lives that are without love. It is common to go for monk/nun lives, as they have no interest in loving another human being. Eventually they may find each other, in the same life, at the same time, many lives later. They get married, and end up hating each other! Great! Can you see how lost your soul can become, because you made certain choices as a spoiled teenager a few hundred years ago? I did this! This choice resulted in my being a monk for many lives.
So, just in case you made any silly soul contracts, just say this aloud, and mean it.
I now cancel all Soul Contracts from any past life that are still affecting this life.
When people tell me that they believe they will never find love, I laugh and tell them, “You have known great love many hundreds of times.”
Remember, every life brings love, friendships and big adventures. I have focused on the shadow side of our soul because this is what needs healing. It is important that you say this out loud, and mean it.
I now ask that all my Past lives receive the healing and love neccesary to make a postive powerful healing impact on this life.
Now go and have a Sea Salt bath for twenty minutes. Don’t think about it: Let It All Go. It takes six weeks to clear vows and soul contracts, to heal and merge all your past lives. Be gentle with yourself, and stay calm and grounded.