Healing & Balancing the Four Directions
"Accessing your Power Animals"
"Please acknowledge that every time we call to the Spirit Keepers we are connecting to the energy of all the times the different American Indian Tribes called in these powers, so realise and honour how much power, honour and ceremony you are connecting with for your healing."
- Samantha Britt Williams |
Spirit Keeper Power Animals at the Four Directions
Golden Eagle in the East
When you are ready, stand facing the East, call to the spirit of East, the Power Animal Golden Eagle. Using your imagination, see in your minds eye your Golden Eagle flying towards the Medicine Wheel. How does your Golden Eagle look? Is your Golden Eagle healthy and happy, or do you see an upset, scruffy looking bird? Ask the Golden Eagle in your mind: How are you? How are you feeling? Listen and feel the response. Ask the Golden Eagle to enter the Medicine Wheel, so that the Golden Eagle stands in front of you to accept hands on healing, colour therapy, love and whatever else they need to feel happy and healthy. You will become more intuitive as to what they need as you learn more about caring for your Power Animals.
Golden Eagle represents your mind and current mental state, you may need to make an agreement to become more aware of what you are thinking, and if necessary change to a much more positive frame of mind. Golden Eagle may have an attitude problem, may be depressed or might not even like you - The Power Animals represent an aspect of your soul, an apsect of yourself, befriending and learning how to care for them ultimately is befriending and caring for yourself. When the Golden Eagle is healthy and happy they will bring to the Medicine Wheel their love, wisdom and healing. You can ask Golden Eagle to help with clearing and centering the mind, by healing and releasing stress and old thought patterns that no longer serve you, and help create a new positive mental attitude.
Place a stone in the East.
Coyote in the South
When you are ready, stand facing the South, call to the spirit of the South, the Power Animal Coyote. Using your imagination, see in your minds eye your Coyote coming to the Medicine Wheel. How does your Coyote look? Is your Coyote healthy and happy or do you see a sad, under-fed and weak looking animal? Ask the Coyote in your mind: How are you? How are you feeling? Listen and feel the response. Invite the Coyote to enter the Medicine Wheel and give them healing, love and whatever they need to restore their vitality.
Coyote represents your feelings and current emotional state, you may need to make an agreement to become more aware of what you are feeling and if necessary, release old stuck emotions and feelings. Releasing old emotions makes one feel lighter, happier and have more energy. Ask Coyote to help with clearing and releasing old emotional responses from the past that stop you being a strong compassionate and loving person. If you create a new positive emotional self the Coyote will be able to bring to your medicine wheel their love, wisdom and healing.
Place a stone in the South.
Grizzly Bear in the West
When you are ready, stand facing the West, call in the spirit of the West, the Power Animal Grizzly Bear. Using your imagination, see in your minds eye your Grizzly Bear approaching your Medicine Wheel. How does your Grizzly Bear look? Is your Grizzly Bear healthy and happy or do you see an injured, slow, dirty looking animal? Ask the Grizzly Bear in your mind: How are you? How are you feeling? Listen and feel the response. Welcome the Grizzly Bear into the Medicine Wheel, and give them healing, love and whatever they need to lift their spirits.
Grizzly Bear represents your current spiritual state, you may need to make an agreement to become more aware of your spirituality and the faith you have in your self to create the life you want. Ask Grizzly Bear to help with releasing limited religious beliefs learnt in past lives or in this life, that are preventing you from truly loving yourself. If you can create a new humane spiritual identity the Grizzly bear will be able to bring to the Medicine Wheel their love, wisdom and healing.
Place a stone in the West.
White Buffalo in the North
When you are ready, stand facing the North, call to the spirit of the North, the Power Animal White Buffalo. Using your imagination, see in your minds eye your White Buffalo coming to the Medicine Wheel. How does your White Buffalo look? Is the White Buffalo healthy and happy or do you see an overweight, out of breathe, scruffy looking animal? Ask the White Buffalo in your mind: How are you? How are you feeling? Listen and feel the response. Ask the White Buffalo to enter the Medicine Wheel to accept healing, love and whatever they need to feel happy, healthy and confident.
White Buffalo represents your future and your physical state, you may need to make an agreement to become more aware of how you really feel about your future and your body. Are you feeling positive, or are you dreading the future. How do you look after your body? Diet and exercise routines may be appropriate, and if necessary you may have to radically change your diet. You can visualize a more positive you by asking White Buffalo to help with releasing old physical ailments and injuries from the physical body. Ask for healing and restoring your life force energy. By creating a new healthy and strong physical body you allow White Buffalo to bring to your Medicine Wheel their love, wisdom and healing.
Place a stone in the North.
The Sacred Space
Creator at the Centre
When you are ready, stand in the Center, call to the spirit of Creator (God, Great Mystery, Great spirit, Nature, the Universe...). This is the connection point to all of creation. The Creator Power Animal is different for everyone and not necessarily one of the 36 Power Animals from the Native American Medicine Wheel. The animal represents you and how you feel about Great Spirit, which is in everything. It's very interesting to see which animal turns up, wait and see what type of animal turns up. Using your imagination, see in your minds eye your Creator Power Animal coming to the Medicine Wheel. How do they look? Is the Creator Power Animal smiling and happy, big, small, thin or fat? Is it one that flies (Condor, Bat, Butterfly, Robin...), or one that swims (Rainbow Trout, Shark, Penguin, Walrus...), or one of the four legged (Horse, Stag, Jaguar, Lynx...) or one of the six or more legged (Spider, Beetle, Crab, Octopus...) or one that crawl (Snake, Earth Worm, Snail...)? Is the animal pleased to see you or moody and unhappy? Ask the Creator Power Animal in your mind: How are you? How are you feeling? Listen and feel the response. Ask The Creator Power Animal to enter the Medicine Wheel to accept healing, love and whatever they need to feel happy and healthy.
The Creator Power Animal represents your Connection to self, your inner spirit, your connection to all that exists. Ask to be connected to Great Spirit. Honour and give thanks for your life, your family and friends. To make you a 'Great Spirit' so you can help yourself and others find happiness.
Place a stone in the Center.
Thank The Creator Power Animal for coming to your Medicine Wheel and thank the Four Directions. Now you have created and activated your Medicine Wheel begin to use this Sacred Space to make a real difference in your life mentally, emotionally, spritually and physically.
Spend a little time using your imagination to communicate with them and see the changes in yourself and these beautiful Power Animals. As each Power Animal represents a different aspect of yourself, spending time in the Medicine Wheel looking after them, you will actually be looking after yourself. It is enjoyable and fun and very rewarding working in the Medicine Wheel. Do it as often as you can and see how much more alive and happier you feel. Always ask what you can do for your Power Animals, This is very important as it is a two-way agreement...
Please know that this is your scared space to work on yourself. You can make a Medicine Wheel anywhere and any size, in your house or garden, you can make one under your bed, use stones, rocks, crystals, flowers, photos or pictures of the animals. When you access your Medicine Wheel you will have access to all creation. You can ask to give yourself, Planet Earth and All Her Relations, healing, love and whatever they need restore harmony and balance.